Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Secondary Happiness

Since I now work in the heart of Hollywood on one of the better known Television Lots in LA, I've had the pleasure of walking through the halls and seeing some of the lesser known, but equally brilliant actors in Hollywood. I know that most people who watch television and movies know who the major players are, but what of the co-stars; the B, C, or D-list actors that accompany all the big shots? You know you see them on the big screen, but do you really see them or do you have eyes only for you main attraction(s)?

When I'm out in public, I think I spot the below-the-line actors more than the A-listers because they're at the perfect amount of fame to where they get jobs, but don't have the paparazzi stalking them, therefore they don't have to cover up in gawd awful disguises. They wander around as themselves, glad when someone spots them and asks to take a picture, but not cool enough (a relative term) to be hounded by a gaggle of tweens. Most tourist in Hollywood probably don't get to snap a picture with their favorite celebrities because they don't notice them among all the other weirdos wearing hoodies and dark sunglasses in 90 degree heat. I'm just glad happy I like the people that can still be themselves when out running their errands.

I get giddy when I recognize a background actor on the Lot. I'm like, "That's the Mom from Picket Fences (Yes, a show that no one remembers or has heard of who's younger then 25) or, "that's the cool dorky guy from Road Trip and Memphis Blues". I love recognizing them and I almost go out of my way to say, "hello," but then I remind myself that I'm not a crazed groupie and they probably don't want to be bothered. But I smile as they pass by me in the hall, fiddling with their phones or drinking their coffee, being normal people, uninhibited in their daily routines by their success.

I just want all you wannabe actors out there to know that, even if you don't make it to uber stardom with the huge mansion and 7 cars, there are people in the world that will recognize you every time they see you on and off the screen and they will occasionally IMDB you to see what projects you are working on. You won't have the fan base that the mega stars have, but you can be living your dream and know that somewhere out there, someone is glad you're an actor and you make them smile, maybe just a tad, when they pass you on the street and give their brains a second to commute where they know you from.

The Dream (or any dream) is achievable and viable, you just have to make it happen for yourself and then go out and brighten someone's day.

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