Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Charmin Puppy Reenactment

I don't know if any of you have seen or remember the commercial where there's an adorable yellow Labrador puppy running through a sunny kitchen, and as he rounds the counter island, he skids sideways into a stack of Charmin Toilet paper rolls. It's cute and funny at the same time. Well, for some reason faith decided I should unwillingly become that puppy (although not nearly as cute), and a tower of Brest Cancer Awareness Styrofoam coffee cups should double as Charmin Ultra.

For the last week I've been working on a Pilot television show, that hopefully, if it gets picked up (in probably a few months) will solve my unemployment problem. Yesterday was the first day of shooting and after rolling cameras for 5 1/2 hours on interviews (me being one of the camera operators), plus 4 hours of prep, we were headed to the next location, but needed a quick coffee stop. The Van pulled over at a 7-11, where Robby (she's my production assistant/slave for two days - hehe), Jo - the VP of Development for the Production Company, and myself all went into the store to grab coffees and some snacks. Robby was a little slow on making her disgusting hot chocolate, coffee, half pound of sugar concoction, by the time Jo was paying. I was at the counter with Jo, trying to tell the cashier that we were all on the same bill and the coffees that Jo, myself and Robby had were all together.

For some reason the cashier wasn't understanding all that needed to be rung up, and Robby was playing her selective hearing card - so void on answering my call, when I decided to go and get her and bring her coffee to the cashier. Enter Murphy...I sort of jogged right and around the register counter to the left, but as I was rounding the chip rack to reach Robby, I found myself sliding forward at the same time my knee hit the ground, my momentum moving me straight into a tower of coffee cups. Within 2 seconds I went from semi jogging, but standing, to a pile of limbs slayed across a 7-11 floor with a bunched up floor mat surrounded by white Styrofoam. My knee tinged and my elbow bruised.

As I rubbed my knee, Robby tried to contain her laughter, Jo wondered what happened, the 7-11 clerk rushed to give me his hand with "law suit" on his mind; I could see the wheels turning in his head as he tried to be extremely nice to me in case I wanted to take the little convenience store for all it's worth cause their "non-slip" floor mats suck at their jobs. Once I was back on my feet, the clerk and Robby cleaning up the dropped cups, I informed Jo of my great misadventure and managed to actually succeed at my original purpose of grabbing Robby and her coffee and getting it to the register.

In the end, I ended up immensely entertaining Jo and Robby, by being an idiot, and managing to scare the shit out of some poor 7-11 clerk, but I got my coffee and a new story to tell all of you. Interesting enough, I don't think I was embarrassed at all my my mishap, I just thought it was funny and so, I guess, it's good to laugh at yourself once in a while.

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