*After driving 6 hours by myself to Benicia, CA, my first stop was to see Nina, my ex-roommate, and my best friend Candice (aka Nicole to everyone but High School friends). I had Facebooked Candice to let her know I would see her the next day and she replied with, "why didn't you tell me you were going to be in the Bay Area, you brat?" This confused me a little because Nina had told me that she and Nicole were celebrating their birthday's that weekend and I had assumed they had talked to each other. It's probably my part for assuming, but here's where all the confusion sets in: Nina's current roommate's name is Nicole and Nina calls Candice, Candice, not Nicole (an exception to the non High School crowd). This answered my question on why Candice would celebrate her birthday 2 months early, she wouldn't, but the real Nicole would.
**Nina and I got Candice to play hookie from school to hang out with us in Berkeley where we took pictures of the four roses that were bloomed in the Berkeley Rose Garden and met a lady celebrating her 70th birthday with her daughter and a friend. The daughter asked if we were in school, which I took to assume meant High School, but really probably meant College as we were next to one, so I said "No, but she (pointing at Candice) is a teacher." The daughter's face lit up as she found out Candice teaches at Pittsburgh High, in Pittsburgh, CA (not one of the nicest schools in the area) and she tells Candice, "I think that there is a special place in heaven for teachers. All the hard work you do with the children is magically (or she said something similar to magically)" I can just see the little halo appearing above Candice's head and the Devil on her shoulder poking it with his pitchfork.

the creepiest flower ever

Candice playing in the creek
***The whole reason I drove up north was because Robby had a forensics conference in Sacramento and she wanted to stay the weekend in the Bay Area, meaning she would need a ride home, hence...me. Anyhow, Robby and I drove Nina and Nicole into San Francisco for their birthday's (they were staying over night at a hotel and then doing a spa day the following morning), dropping them off at their hotel while we went to find a free parking spot - it's up to 3 dollars an hour at the meters and the lots are ridiculous. A half block away from the hotel, I of course see a spot, but pass it and drop the girls in front to unload their luggage before driving back to the spot that was no longer available. This leads me and Robby to circle a 9 block radius for 30 mins before we just park in the Tenderloin, next to the homeless shelter and crackheads. Since a cop had driven by when we exited the car, we figured our bags in the trunk would be safe for an hour or two.
Upon walking the 8 blocks to the hotel, we got one proposition for kabobs and head, and Robby ended up picking up a homeless man that latched on to her arm. The man followed us up the hill talking to Robby who repeatedly told him to "let go" to which he replied, "I'm not touching you," while moving in closer to her. Eventually Robby stops, looks the bum in the eyes, and say, "Let. Go." This gives the bum pause and time enough to find me. He slanders over, puts his hands on my shoulders and asks if Robby and I are lesbians. We says, "Yes," and hope he'll go away. Nope. We'd stopped in front of a pizzeria with an audience of one. The bum looks at me and ask, "How old are you?" I say, "older than you." The bum is at least in his mid forties, but when people ask me how old I am, it's usually because they think I'm younger than I look and my ingrained response is, "Older then I look." In this case, I just switched out the "I look" for "you". The bum got really confused, "but you're half my age." "I'm older than I look,' I said as I walked away, Robby following. The bum diverts his attention to our gawker and tells the man that I don't look older than him and that we were "fine" and our gawker should go after us. We turned the corner and heard no more.
****I wanted to show my blog to Robby and my friend, Christie, but when I typed the URL in, a Jesus website popped up. I exclaimed, "Jesus stole my website!" Most times when you enter in a wrong URL, you receive a generic web browser, but of course, if I mess up my URL, I find Jesus...of all the places. I'd forgot the "S" in blogspot and wrote "blogpot" instead.
*****Mustucheio PigBunny is Robby and my equivalent of "the Traveling Gnome". He's a small stuffed pig/bunny looking thing with a mustache. PigBunny likes to sneak up on people and take photos with them. Robby and I happened to be in SF during the Cherry Blossom Festival where our dad and brother joined us. PigBunny got to meet a lot of strange looking people, some of whom were dressed as weird Anime characters, while the rest of us enjoyed the parade and art booths.

Can you find PigBunny?

The Cat wanted to eat PigBunny.

Pikachu and PigBunny
Since the Sinick family is known for randomness, it isn't too farfetched to be un-shocked that out of a crowd of 200,000 festival goers and numerous blocks of street fair to wander through, we would bump into my Godmother. What are the odds? Susie, my Godmom, was extremely happy to see all of us (it was a rare occasion that the four of us were all together) and not at all curious why Robby and I were in the Bay Area instead of in SoCal. She just goes with the flow. So, all of us got to spend an accidentally afternoon together, which might never have happened if Robby and I hadn't changed the meet time for our father to an hour later and if we hadn't stopped to watch the parade for an hour or if dad hadn't wanted us to meet a friend who owned an art gallery in Japan town. It's a good version of the chaos theory.
******On the way home from the Bay Area, Robby and I decided to take Highway 1 for a little bit because we needed a scenic drive, as opposed to the boring drag of Highway 101 (which we drive every time we go up north). We ended up stopping in Cayucos, Ca - a small beach town 30 mins from San Luis Obispo. There was a pier that lead out into the ocean that Pig/Bunny just had to take a picture on.

PigBunny on the pier
Unfortunately PigBunny doesn't know he weighs next to nothing and as soon as a large gust of wind came, PigBunny figured out he isn't a very good swimmer. I got to have a panic attack while running down the pier and to the water thinking Robby would kill me if I didn't save PigBunny and that she would make me swim to get the toy as well. Luckily the tide pushed PigBunny to shore, but left him covered in black sand.

Before the gust of wind got a hold of PigBunny.
After a brief swim in the ocean, a 10 minute bath in the restroom sink, and 20 minutes under the bathroom hand dryer, PigBunny was almost back to his originally pink color and a little rough for wear, but relatively unscaved. Robby wasn't going to kill me just yet.

PigBunny is a little wet.
So that is the gist of my adventures up North. Of course more stuff happened, but it would take too long to write it all down and no one would read it anyhow. Until next time, have fun.
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