Mustacheio, the PigBunny, is our traveling mascot and comes with us almost everywhere. Here, he's preparing for his Mexican debut...he's trying to get the ladies.
So, I just finished a mini 3-day cruise to Ensenada, Mexico where the people that came with me (Robby - she went for a forensic conference on the boat and Jon and Michelle - two of Robby and my friend's from Santa Barbara) and the activities on the boat were more interesting than the city we visited. It's always nice to have good company that's willing to make fools of themselves with you instead of laughing at you. Example: we'd had about 2.5 bottles of wine between the four of us and we needed some excitement, so we donned our ship bathrobes, poured the last bottle of White Zin into our room's water glasses and head up deck to the mini golf arena. We were going for the prestigious/posh/above-it-all look, plus it was windy and cold on the top balcony.
We had tried to play mini golf the previous day, but with a moving ship and a badly designed golf course, most of the balls went straight into the "sand trap" and my ball was kind enough to find it's way to every part of the deck (under tables, in a dirt hole, down the running track, etc.), but where the course was. All I did was tap the ball and it launched itself right off the green. I might as well have started with -1 on every course. Anyhow, the point being that the course kind of sucked and we weren't the best golfers, so Day 2, drunken golfing - a much better idea.

The lovely "Drunken Golf Carnival Cruise Team".
The new rules for the golf match were as follows:
1.) There is no point keeping.
2.) Everyone gets their first try to get the ball on the course unobstructed.
3.) Once everyone has hit their ball and it is on the course, it is a free for all on sinking your shot into the hole. This means that you can use any means necessary to get your ball in the hole while deterring the others from achieving the goal. I bump-butted Robby out of the way while I used my putter to guide the ball into the hole, Michelle and Robby got their putters crossed and used their feet to kick their balls, John tried to stay clear of the swinging putters and sink his ball, on one hole I think I bowled the ball onto the green, etc. It turned into a drunken, "hungry, hungry hippos" game. So much more fun then the rocking boat, mature game we played the day before. Even better that we were wearing our spiffy bathrobes and holding glasses of wine. Thank God it was too cold to for children to come play on the deck and witness grown-ups acting worse then them.
I think by far, that game of golf was the best one I've ever played and I think everyone should try it once just to see how it feels to abandon rules and act uncivilized for a few minutes. Another of the cool things about the cruise was the interesting people that you meet. There was this one woman that I kept seeing on the boat and she stood out to me because she had bright red hair, at least 8 gold earrings per ear, a nose ring, and a lip ring - she was a mid 40-year-old Black woman. I saw her dancing/grinding with random people on the sun deck, walking the halls with her friend, generally looking like she was having a blast and I said to myself, "I have to meet her." So as I'm telling Jon and Michelle about this woman, we exit the elevator and there she is. I tell her that I enjoy taking pictures of fascinating people that I see and meet and would she be in one? She gets all excited, introduces herself as "Red" and poses for my lens. So sweet. There should be more individuals in the world that are free spirited enough to express themselves how they want and live life having fun.

"Red" - such an amazing spirit this woman had. She has bright red hair, you just can't see it in this picture. Bad lighting in the hallways.
Stupid quotes from our vacation:
Robby looking at a photo one of the Ship's photographers took of us - "Hey Emmy, look, they took a picture of you and Michelle..." Em, after looking at the picture for a second, "That's you, you moron."

Jumping photos continued. Robby took this one and we all think it's awesome.
"Who's farting cotton candy?" -Em, commenting on the obnoxious smell frequently wafting through the Ship's dance show.

Jon and Michelle being goofy on the deck.
"It's a combination of Jazz and Funk...It's Junk" -Robin Williams character commenting about a musician in "Robots" - playing over and over again on the Ship's movie channel.
Michelle, Robby and I are all dancing on the dance floor when this drunk moron starts dancing with Michelle - "Hey, how are you doing?" Michelle says, "I'm married," and shows him her ring. "Yea, me too," Drunk says and dances away.
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