Friday, November 15, 2013

Jumping into Adventure or Playing it Safe?

If you were told by someone that you really trusted that they wanted you to move to a foreign island and help them with a venture that may, or may not, prove fruitful, would you go? If all expenses were paid and you had a place to live and a job to work? But you'd have to leave in the next month, pack up everything, say goodbye to your loved ones, and leave everything you've ever know. Would it be a sad good bye to your past life with a cathartic start over of new hope or a gut wrenching self deliberation that has you wishing to go, but playing it safe and staying?

People are often asked to make life changing decisions and I think that we always want to go with the one that sounds the best to us, the most fun or adventurous, but then our brains get the best of our inhibitions and start to tell us that what we want and what is stable for us might not necessarily be one and the same. How do you make the decision that keeps you happy, but also gives you no regrets? Is this a catch 22; trying to eat your cake too?

I sometimes think that freewill sucks because you never know if you're making the right choice, but if you jump and go for it, sometimes it turns out alright or leads to things that will make it all better and sometimes you fall, fall hard, but doesn't that also add a notch to your life story, build up your character and help you choose a different path next time? Maybe all our various paths are there and we were always meant to choose the one that we chose because it lead us to another path, our life's path? I guess we'll never know as there are no true 2nd chances or do overs. Just moving forwards and living life to the fullest.

So again, would you open your arms wide and jump into the fantastical unknown or keep on with the daily mundane? Maybe your mundane is what keeps you ticking and therefore it is your adventure. I'm just curious and thought I would express a psychological question to everyone out there. I'm sure you've all wished you had an opportunity to just up and leave your life and start new somewhere else, so if the chance ever came, would you take it or let it pass you by? Who would you trust enough to follow into the unknown?

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