Saturday, May 19, 2012

Us 5.5 Million Matter!

I am annoyed!!! Annoyed with stupid television executives that don't really care about what an above average television viewer wants to watch and instead they focus on the majority of viewers - those middle of nowhere, average people that lounge around in their sweats drinking beer while watching another awful reality show about some moron who isn't them. I found out that The Finder was cancelled due to bad ratings - only 5.5 million people watch it. What?!!!! 5.5 million people are nothing, you say? Sucks, because there are 5.5 million people out there that tune in every week to be entertained while trying to solve a mystery, or two, in a creative and witty way instead of turning into a zombie drooling over a Kardashian or getting their Jerseylicious on like the other 7 billion people in the world (although half of those 7 billion I think live in countries without a TV).

Us, few, but proud, 5.5 million people can actually appreciate when a great show comes along that uses subtlety and riddles to progress the story forward instead of always spelling everything out. I enjoy the twist and turns of a good mystery and when I can watch a show where I don't immediately figure out the killer or the key piece of evidence to solve the case, I'm intrigued. I want to be baffled, shocked, surprised. I don't want everything handed to me on a silver platter with all the answers spelled out. Why can't those Executive Suits understand that? Instead, they looked at us messily 5.5 million fans and said, "Axe the show, we'll make a cheaper and more profitable reality show to fill the time slot." 

Now, I understand the appeal of a reality show - watching a life you can't have and would like or watching a train wreck and marveling at how some people manage to survive past infancy. Hell, I work in the Reality TV industry, it pays my bills and entertains me immensely while filming, but when I go home, I want to watch something that will make me smart again - reaffirm my faith in humanity that not everyone is a camera hungry lunatic. I believe that Reality TV makes the world dumb, most of it anyways and since I'm out helping to make the world that much stupider, I'd like to come home and relax in front of the tube watching something that will reaffirm my believe that there are some intelligent shows still being made in the world. That there is hope to make people use their brains again instead of letting them slowly ooze out their ears.

So, you Fox Execs that think we don't matter, that our TV interests aren't worth a second glance because it doesn't fill your pockets with the amount of green you want, think again. Our opinions matters. We want smart shows being made and aired. We want to watch a program that has our neurons firing. We want to be awed. Can't you see that? Can't you believe that not all viewers are the average sheep? Please, start thinking about us small 5.5 million not so inconsequential few that matter what they watch. We might surprise you.

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