Greg and John "Planking" while a friend watches.

The Boy's doing Laundry. i like how they're dressed similar.

My drinking Buddy. Beau found it on a trash can and knew I would like it. The barkeep said it was a dog toy.

Flying over a fogged out Chilkoot Trail. Stupid weather ruined the video shot, but not the photo shoot.

Little Cessna we all flew in to shoot the Chilkoot Trail

Remains of the Stampeeders at Lake Bennett. Cans like these are everywhere.

I tried to steal this little Iditarod Puupy as the crews masscot, but they caught me.

DeadBunny showing off downtown Skagway.

I'm kicking the Mendenhall Glacier

Mendenhall Glacier.
Next time you pass by Juneau you need to spend at least a day here. I'll take you on the trail out to Mendenhall Glacier itself. (There's pictures of me on Mendenhall Glacier on my FB.)
As for the tourists...did you tourist watch at any of your stops? If not, you missed out. Next time sit near one of the trash cans and just watch as tourists come up and try to figure out how to open them (they're bear proof). For some reason they never think to look at the pictures on the lid telling them how to open it. It's the sort of thing that would keep you laughing all day.
Hope you're having as much fun as it seems like you are!
I totally want the puppy!
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