There have been so many deaths lately. It's like the world has decided
it needs to rid itself of people, but in doing so, it has chosen the able, the
amazing, and the valuable. Death has no morals, no favorites. He plucks you
from your life and, Bam, you're nothing but a memory. Well, lately these
"memories" are more, they have meaning, a purpose. Maybe Death took
these people now so that they could be a message to the world? Or this could just be the way I
see it..the way that makes sense to me on why so many wonderful people are dying.
the death of Sarah Jones struck the heart of the Entertainment Industry. I know
that many people have written about her, who she was and what she meant to them, but to me, she is "a change." I didn't know her personally, I'd
never met her or anyone that knew her, but her death, though truly tragic, has
caused a welcome shift in my line of work. I'm one of the many below-the-line
lemmings that blindly follows what my superiors says. And although I know that
most of what I work on is safe, I know a bunch of what I do, and what I ask my
crew to do, is rather "unsafe". But the "buck" wins out in
the end and everyone needs green to survive in this world. We keep our mouths
shuts to keep a roof over our heads.
So, in saying this, Sarah's death was
horrible and saddening, but what she now stands for in the TV world is very
important. She will forever be a reminder to all the bureaucrats, penny
pushers, and jerks that take advantage of us lowly workers that we matter. She will make the
upper hands think twice, or at least pause for a second, on making that
decision on whether or not to use a stunt man, hire security, look out for the
best interests of everyone, not just their pockets. When Sarah died, the Industry
mourned, banned together, and from this, the business I work in will be safer
and stronger.
Another young death is that of Marina Keegan. She was a
recent graduate of Yale University. I just read her essay, "The Opposite
of Loneliness" and it made me stop and ponder. Marina talks about
gradutaing school and setting out into the big, wide world. Some people will
shudder at the daunting task of living a life that you must make on your own -
no one is there to hold your hand and guide you. You're now a grown up and
must accomplish your goals. But in saying this, Marina struck a cord with me on
her line, "We’re so young. We’re so young. We’re twenty-two
years old. We have so much time." She didn't have so much time. She died
shortly after finishing this essay. But to her, when writing the above words,
she had all the time in the world. In her essay, she expresses what she plans to do at 30-years-old, at
50. Her life, the possibilities were endless...until they were no more.
I'm not
trying to sound harsh. It just made me extremely sad that someone with such
promise and an inspirational outlook on her life ahead, didn't get to live her
imagined dreams. But she left behind amazing, uplifting, and thoughtful gems of personal knowledge and a guide to help others better their lives. She will influence so many people, making this world a brighter place. Maybe making the world that she saw for her own future.
I feel that everyone grows up wanting to be someone, be something
important. Whether they want to be famous or just inspire their friends, they
want to feel loved and matter. Sarah and Marina had the whole world ahead of
them, but then it was taken away in an instant. They don't know it,
but their deaths are the catalyst for change across the world: Sarah will help
people be safer and Marina will inspire a whole new generation of thinkers. Even if when
they were alive, they never believed they would change a person's life, they
are now. Their deaths they will help save lives and so their short existence's mattered.
So, maybe Death does have a plan for all of us. Maybe we live our
lives believing that what we do while living is what will leave the biggest
impact on the people we encounter, but what if that isn't true?
Maybe we
are meant to die for a reason. Maybe there is no such thing as senseless death,
because in the aftermath, change is possible and these two women's deaths have
sparked a transformation around the world. We all matter, in life, and in
death. Sometimes we just need blind faith to accept that. We're more than
memories, we're stories waiting to be written and motivations leading to change.